M, Hayward the strongest rucky chess player on earth draws against Rybka in a 6 game competition. His rating stands at 3150. M, Hayward the best human player vs computer is being asked again to hold the human honer in a man vs machine competition. The new chess engine is said to be rated 3200. M, Hayward is the only chess player on earth who stands a chance to beat it. Hes the only human left standing with a chess rating close to it. But most would agree M, Hayward is in for the chess fight of his life. We will attempt to get live news action on this toughest chess event of the center. | |
M, Hayward is after G, Kasparov's crown. Kasparov vs Deep blue. Kasparov holds the worlds record in humon vs computer. M, Hayward says todays computers like the new fritz and deep junior are stronger than deep blue. And Hayward is perhaps the only humon left capible of drawing with the strongest computers on earth. Kramnik fell to deep fritz 10. No on it seems chalendged rybka with out handicaping it. Hayward draw years ago with rybka on full strenght. 2013 Hayward beats stockfish in a 6 game match. 4-2
Hayward in that compertition scored the highest best move rate in the world. and the lowest blonder rate in the world comparied to othere human vs computer matches. NUMBER 1 BESt RUCKY CHESS PLAYER. As the best move rate% of all times. And lowest blunder rate of all times. Beating every Grandmaster in chess history.
1989 Deep Thought. Vs G, Kasparov 2775 2-0 Human Wins
1995 Genius Vs G, Kasparov 2008 2.5-1.5 Human Wins
1995 Fritz Vs G, Kasparov 2795 1.5 0.5 Human Wins
1996 Deep Blue Vs G, Kasparov 2775 4 2 Human Wins
1996 FritzVs G, Kasparov 2770 1.5 0.5 Human Wins
1997 Deep Blue Vs G, Kasparov 2795 2.5 3.5 Computer Wins
1998 Rebel Vs Anand 2795 1.5 0.5 Human Wins
2002 Rebel Vs Loek 2714 2 2 Draw
2002 Fritz7 Vs Kramnik 2807 4 4 Draw
2003 Hiarcs Vs Evgeny Bareev 2729 2 2 Draw
2003 Deep Junior7 Vs G, Kasparov 3 3 Draw
2003 X3D Vs G,Kasparov 2800 2.5 2.5 Draw
2005 Hydra - Adams (2005)
2006 Deep Fritz10 Vs Kramnik 2800 4 2 Computer Wins
2007 Rybka Vs M, Hayward 3150 2.5 2.5 Draw..... M, Hayward Best Rucky Player in the world.
2014 StockFish 2 Vs M, Hayward 3150 6 game match. Krempov Won Easly. WORLD RECORD.
2015 Stickfish 4 Vs M, Hayward 3270 3 game match. A DRAW. WORLD RECORD.
Krempov Human Vs Computer rating is 3270 at the moment.
Recently he was asked who was the best chess player, Fischer, Kasparov, Carlson. He said Fischer was best in 1992. Carlson makes less blunders than kasparov. BUT I look down at theses chess players as beginners. I don't learn from people who make poor mathematical moves. Who blunder.
One of krempov's chess games. Scored 83% best move rate.
Krempov who values development and ignores traps, sacrifices, combinations, midgame complexities against a computer that dose not lunder or fall for such things played true to his name.
He took the developing advantage. Castled. Made the early queen trade then got double rooks on open file with a superia pawn endgame finish. The only player to play a chess game in a world chess champion match was Kramnik scoring a 85% best move rate. No one ells came close.
[Event "World Record Attempt"]
[Date "2014.01.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Krempov"]
[Black "StockFish-4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Date "2014.01.09"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Krempov"]
[Black "StockFish-4"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "3250"]
[BlackElo "3270"]
[Opening "Spanish"]
[BlackElo "3270"]
[Opening "Spanish"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bxc6 dxc6 5. O-O f6 6. d4 exd4 7. Nxd4 c5
8. Ne2 Qxd1 9. Rxd1 Bd7 10. Bf4 O-O-O 11. Nbc3 Ne7 12. Rd2 Ng6 13. Bg3 Ne5
14. b3 Bd6 15. Rad1 Bg4 16. Kf1 c4 17. f3 Bh5 18. Bxe5 Bxe5 19. Rxd8+ Rxd8
20. Rxd8+ Kxd8 21. Kf2 cxb3 22. cxb3 c6 23. Ke3 Bxh2 24. g3 g5 25. Kf2 b5
26. Nd4 Be8 27. Kg2 Bxg3 28. Kxg3 Bd7 29. f4 Ke8 30. b4 Kd8 31. fxg5 fxg5
32. e5 Bc8 33. Ne4 h6 34. Nxc6+ Kc7 1-0
8. Ne2 Qxd1 9. Rxd1 Bd7 10. Bf4 O-O-O 11. Nbc3 Ne7 12. Rd2 Ng6 13. Bg3 Ne5
14. b3 Bd6 15. Rad1 Bg4 16. Kf1 c4 17. f3 Bh5 18. Bxe5 Bxe5 19. Rxd8+ Rxd8
20. Rxd8+ Kxd8 21. Kf2 cxb3 22. cxb3 c6 23. Ke3 Bxh2 24. g3 g5 25. Kf2 b5
26. Nd4 Be8 27. Kg2 Bxg3 28. Kxg3 Bd7 29. f4 Ke8 30. b4 Kd8 31. fxg5 fxg5
32. e5 Bc8 33. Ne4 h6 34. Nxc6+ Kc7 1-0
Hayward says there is a new age coming and it started 2007. The age of the super grandmaster. Its not just about chess enymore its a battle for humanity to defete the chess computer before the last humon falls. I will be there winning holding the humon honner.
Krempov style. Krempovs style of play is unlike anything we have ever seen before. He clames to be a super Grandmaster afrade of no champion. He clames to have duplicated kasparovs chess style and inproved it. He also said he as studied petrosions style of play and inproved that too. He as the capability to switch styles of play. The ability to think like any old world chess champion even in mathmatical turms and positional outcome. making him probbly the hardest chess player in the world to beat. Ontop of that he was the unrenound world memory champion = to that of domanic O' Brian in england. giving him the ability to memories more chess games than any other chess player todate. 2 gifs. chess genius and world class memory.
Memory master.
Mathmatical genius.
He also tweeked his system to beat the chess computers.
Computers search 20 moves deep. So Krempov whent for common reply lines to search deeper. 25 Depth he searches. And often right before the first move he can search so far ahead he is looking for endgame wins draws and losses. He as such a DEEP ENGAME SCOPE.