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Chess  Opening Explore

Chess Player DATABASE
Kasparov White Wins
Fischer White Wins
Karpov White Wins
Spassky White Wins
Steinitz White Wins
Smyslov White Wins
Botvinnik White Wins

CHESS Player Pgn

Chess Openings Pgn

Chess Opening. Common classical Opening Line with effective suprise Novalty at end.
Spassky used a wide scop shallow opening book. To suprise his oponents.
Fischer Used a deep opening preparation opening book He would memories lines from mid-game position.
Favrable midgame position. With small advantage. With attacking chances. Maybe with a set trap.
Kasparov Complex Builds mounting presure. Major peices aimed and made into powerpeices
Enamy side oqupation. Strong Line

Petrosion. Gains space advantage. Space coveridge. Trades lesser pieces for opponents power pieces. Giving an easy midgame where he can keep pressure on.

Winning Strategy
Build Maximum Pressure.Make more probbible. Run through affective attack or Hold the presure.
Seek Minimual advantidges and work on them.
King attacks.
Complex peice trades.
peice trades Master. Best trade. error free.
search Veriations inside out.
Defence Attack.
--- Attack.
Complex, Traps.
Build Mounting Pressure.
Minnadvantidges then increase them. Work on them to win.
Scuer peices around enamy king
Gather power peices and protect them then launch attack.
Disenpower oponents main attack plans andenpower your own.

Complex peice trades.
Check for counters to your attack
Trade weak peices for opponents threatening power peices.
Disenpower oponents power peices By trade or diminish there manovarability. Nimzavitch.
Check for counter attacks when on defence.

Strongest Safe Continuation. Tempo one attack to another. 
Seek Winning Chance in every game. Don't miss anything.
Don't rush a move WAIT. Check for counters to your move and blunders. And try to beat the move. To Score min Blunders.
Master Peice trades inside out.
Check All Sacrifices 
Master Peice trades inside out. Variation check. Setup Complex peices trades so that many ways of trading can be done. This could course opponent to error here.

Build Mounting Pressure,
Increase. Hold pressure unless advantage to release. Use hidden moves.

Candidet Moves. 
in order of strength and type of move.
Overall board Strategy  
Trade down if material advantage. So advantage shows better in end game
Attack king side if opponent castles that way and you can get major attacking pieces there easy.
Attack queens side if you can rally more major pieces there to a weakness you can exploit.
If loss of material go crazy attack enemy king.

Semi Abstract thinking. 
Not move for move but where pieces would be better placed for max effectiveness.
1. Optimistic end advantages. 
2. Check until concrete checking likely reply. Until no errors.
Check opponents likely piece placement and best replay. Be more careful with plans and moves like sacrifices for checkmate and compensation because you need the plan to be a more curtain successful move before commuting such dangerous moves.3. Score outcome with basic and advanced fundamentals.
4. Choose plan with best score outcome. Or added to this the best plan with winning chances at end. + 0 for nothing much. +1 For good. + 2 for dynamic chances like pawn promotion. Or king attacks.
Plan Extras
1. Try make plan more probable a success.
2. Try a plans end move first for surprise to induce a forced plan line. This move would be better if it can attract opponent to make a move reply that dose not interfere with your plan. And thus if successful the plan becomes more probable a success. A virtual guaranteed better position with attacking chances. Or Maybe even a forced win.

Don't rush a move WAIT. Check for counters to your move and blunders. And try to beat the move. To Score min Blunders.

1. Attack to quiet position
2. Attack to another attack possibility.
3. Attack to another attack possibility with winning chances.

Strongest Move That's Safe +1 Favorable Continuation. Kasparov Style. Tal Style.
Winning Chances at end of plan. -1, 0, 1, 2 poor, equal, good, very good. Fischer Style
Opponents counter thrust chances 0, 1, 2 equal, threatening, very threatening. Karpov Style.
Work On general tree accuracy. Some points or places of scoring intent may be waited. Use time efficiently. Computer style.
Basic Fundamentals.
1. Central Control
2. Development.   +1 each developed piece. Including castled rook
3. King Softy         +1 when castled.                                  
4. Pawn Structure.
Advanced Fundamentals.
1. Isolated Pawn    +1 If opponents is isolated.
2. Passing Pawn    +1 each level
3. Doubled Pawns  + 0.5 points

Semi GM Fundamentals
1. Pined piece                   +0.5 if you pin a piece to a king queen. Even rook.
2. Open Rook File              +1   if your rook is on open file
3. Enemy side Occupation. +1  

Preventative. Petrosion
1. Prevent Attack early +1
2. Block strong piece placement +0.5
3. Knock piece +2
4. Trade lesser Pieces for threatening power pieces +2

Square Occupation
1. Each square a piece covers score +0.1
2. Each attacked piece. +1